We host virtual community calls on the third Tuesday of the month from 4-5 p.m. over Zoom.
Please contact Renata Curty (rcurty@ucsb.edu) if you would like to be included and receive notifications.
Upcoming Meeting - April 16, 2024. Jupyter Lightning Talks:
National Research Platform (NRP) and how it leverages Jupyter.
How to run Jupyter on the GPU node of the POD cluster.
Leveraging JupyterHub's single-user container locally, Autograder (otter-grader and grade scope), reproducibility considerations, and desired features.
Jupyter’s use and limitations to running heavy computation.
Past Meetings:
Since 2021, the Research Data Community has delved into a wide array of subjects crucial to research data, scientific computing, research reproducibility, and data science. These discussions have deepened our understanding of the various roles and contributions made by different centers and campus units in supporting researchers. Furthermore, our community has engaged in dialogues concerning current institutional policies, collaborative opportunities, and strategies to enhance data instruction and pedagogy. Our meetings have also provided valuable opportunities for knowledge exchange, allowing us to learn from our counterparts at sibling campuses within the UC system (e.g., UCLA, UCSD, and UC Davis), as well as from other esteemed academic and research institutions such as Cornell and ICPSR, which have offered us valuable inspiration and insights. Some of our collective accomplishments include the development of the Research Computing and Data Website, the creation of a shared campus calendar for data science-related events, and the organization of the Data Science Summit.