The following units support research computing and data, for their members or for the campus at large. Consult their websites for detailed information on available services and resources.
Letters & Science IT provides technology support for the College of Letters & Science. We work with the Letters & Science Deans, Departments, Faculty, and Staff to promote the best use of information technology in support of the Mission of the University. Descriptions of our currently available services can be found on our website.
SERVICES: Scientific Computing, Data Storage
The DREAM Lab (Data, Research, Exploration, Access, Methods) supports data-intensive research, experimentation and learning with new technologies, and access to advanced computational methods for students, faculty, and staff across the campus.
SERVICES: Scientific Computing, Consultation, Instruction, Data Licenses
Research Data Services (RDS) helps UCSB researchers manage and preserve their research data through consultations, long-term engagements, and instructional workshops. Our team offers support across the research data lifecycle, from pre-project planning to post-project archival, connecting researchers with both locally- and externally-provided curation services. Our goal is to ensure that all research data is well-described, FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), and sustainably preservable, and that researchers receive scholarly credit for sharing and publishing data.
SERVICES: Consultation, Instruction, Data Curation, Data Ethics
We work to accelerate scientific discoveries that will enhance our understanding of the world and benefit people and nature, as well as to transform the scientific culture to be more open, efficient, and collaborative. We do this by:
Enabling collaborations between the brightest minds in the environmental sciences
Conducting breakthrough science that is grounded in big-picture thinking
Improving analyses through computing innovations that increase the (re)usability of data
Partnering with agencies and organizations that can help put the science to action
Training and inspiring generations of scientists to practice synthesis and open science
SERVICES: Hosted Events, Instruction
The Office of Research supports UC Santa Barbara’s status as a top-tier research institution and helps catalyze our rich culture of research, innovation and collaboration. Strategic Research Initiatives (SRI) works with faculty to effectively secure extramural funding, from early career fellowships to large center grants. The Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) assists faculty and professional research staff in their efforts to secure and ensure proper stewardship of external funding. Under research integrity, the Office of Research provides broad oversight, resources, and education for compliance issues relating to the conduct of research at UCSB.